So, you have landed onto my blog; The03Blog!
This website is just like it sounds, a blog. It's not just a blog, however, there are many pages and things I have added too. Because a blog is kinda boring if it's just posts. Also, you can see that this layout and design is definitly not what you would expect for a modern 'professional' looking blog. I think most of you can agree that modern websites look like garbage. Especially websites like mine, where its a personal blog. That is the reason my blog looks like this, I didn't want to use some ugly looking, pre created preset that I may modify a tiny bit. This website layout and design was fully created by me. By just experimenting and making html and css until it looked good. Away with the garbage blog layouts made by 'professionals', bring in layouts made by yourself. That's what I think.
Explore around the site! There may be not much but it is always fun looking around.
Nostalgia?! Where??
Literally by just looking at this website for the first time will propably give you nostalgia, just look at the old design. I have also added old stuff you may find while on this 'adventure' on my site. They always say 'out with the new and in with the old' right? I think I said that correctly.
I like to create and add stuff on this webiste, this site is kinda like a hobby to me. Look out for cool new things that may be added tommorow, the next day, or maybe even today! Plus, to keep you updated, I got an
updates page you can check out.